Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Are you too "privileged" to work hard for your success?

"The privileged feels entitled to success--but without passion, perseverance, and hard work, the only thing that's likely to appear is disappointment."  via @

When leading any organization, one must always do four things that are vital to ongoing success; be proactive, ask questions, actively try new things and reflect on progress.  These aren't once in a while things, they must be ingrained habits. 

Being proactive means to start each day with purpose.  Sitting at your desk waiting for things to come to you is not a good way to be productive or successful.  Hard work and persistence will ultimately pay off in time.  Being proactive also means being thoughtful and organized; thoughtful about what to do and organized to actually get it done.  

However, being proactive also means that you need to ask the right questions to know when and what the right work is.  Be a good listener and actually listen for answers to questions.  Know that sometimes a good answer to a question is another question.  Don't be frustrated by this.  It is a good way to help you think through your own questions without someone giving you the answer that you are seeking.  I have learned that asking questions is not only about getting an answer, but about processing the thinking to help solve the problem.  "Seek first to understand" is Habit 5 from Stephen Covey's book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People".  When you ask questions, you should listen to understand.  Hopefully the person you are asking the question to is not just solving the problem for you.  Remember that the point of asking questions is to learn or influence your own thought processing.

The image above is next to my computer monitor in my office.  I look at it often.  Much of the items on this list centers on actively trying new things.  Whether it is trying something you have never done before or using a color you don't like, doing things outside of your comfort zone is essential for activating your creativity.  Trying new things can be challenging and scary, especially if it relates to technology.  Even if it fails, trying something new can spark creativity in ways you could never have imagined.  My last recommendation on this subject is to give it some time.  Anything new and different will be difficult and uncomfortable at first.  Give it time...if it wrong, you will know.

Each and every day you have the opportunity to better your world.  This could be as simple as being a better person tomorrow than you were today.  Maybe a smile or a courteous gesture could make someone a little happier?  In order to be better tomorrow than yesterday is to reflect on where you are and where you are going.  Without monitoring progress, you cannot make crucial adjustments.  It is those adjustments that makes all the difference in the world.  I would ask several questions as I drive home each night.  Did I achieve what I set out to achieve today?  Why or Why not?  Could I have done things differently?  How?  What will I do tomorrow to be better?

These are habits that will put you on the track towards success.  Don't be "privileged".  Work hard and persevere and you will be the success you have always imagined.


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