Thursday, April 23, 2015

What educators really do...

Public debates, state budgets, APPR, union battles, and many others have really put public education in the news.  This blog post is not a political statement in any way, it is my thoughts on the amazing things that our teachers do each and every day.

For the past 20 years, I have been a classroom teacher, science department supervisor, Middle School Assistant Principal, and Director of Technology.  On an every day basis I see the great things that teachers are just a few.

Teachers... make children think about the world they live in, make them question how and why, and most importantly our teachers provide opportunities for our children to learn each and every day.  Our teachers make our children smile, laugh, and chuckle.  They provide them with opportunities to socialize in a nurturing learning environment.  They teach the skills that they will need to be successful in life today, as well as prepare them for an unknown world they will live in.  Teachers not only teach the "written curriculum" that they have carefully and thoughtfully developed, they also teach much of the "unwritten curriculum", such as empathy, compassion, morals, digital citizenship, leadership, creativity, humanity, and much much more.

In our buildings today, we have many different kids of teachers...unique in every way.  We have teachers of music and the arts, teachers of dance and drama, teachers of physical education and health, teachers of computers, information literacy, library media, and digital literacy.  We have teachers of Languages other than English and teachers of English as a Second Language (or English as a New Language).  We have literacy coaches, instructional specialists, reading teachers,  common branch teachers, resource room teachers, special education teachers, school counselors, school psychologists, speech teachers, technology teachers, science teachers, mathematics teachers, English teachers, social studies teachers, business teachers, teachers of trades, and many, many more.

Our teachers give of themselves each and every day.  They share with their students their love of learning, their passion for discoveries, and their thirst for understanding.  They provide opportunities for all students to be challenged intellectually.  They help guide students towards their lifelong dreams.  They set them in motion, whether they are a five year old kindergartner, or an eighteen year old senior.  Teachers inspire the leaders of tomorrow.  They encourage all of our students to try their best, work hard, and do what it takes to be successful.  Unfortunately, our teachers also teach our students how to deal with disappointment, lack of success, fear, stress, anxiety, depression, and much, much more.

Teaching is not a 9-3 job, Monday to Friday, with weekends and summers off.  Teachers work outside of the school day to make sure that what they do during the school day can make a difference in the lives of all the children they serve.  They plan lessons and activities at night and on the weekend and take in-service courses all summer to improve their craft and be better at what they do.

I am probably preaching to the choir, since most of you reading this are teachers, but for those of you that are not, take a closer look at what our teachers do everyday for all the children in the world.  Where would we be without the great teachers we have today?  If you know a teacher, thank them for their service.  Pass this along to anyone who doesn't respect the work our teachers do...I know that I do!

Follow me @brian_seligman

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