Thursday, February 12, 2015

Change...who me?

I previously blogged about the idea of change with respect to technology here:  See excerpt below:

According to the ISTE Standards for School Administrators: Standard # 2
Digital age learning culture
Educational Administrators create, promote, and sustain a dynamic, digital-age learning culture that provides a rigorous, relevant, and engaging education for all students.   

  • Ensure instructional innovation focused on continuous improvement of digital-age learning 
  • Model and promote the frequent and effective use of technology for learning
  • Provide learner-centered environments equipped with technology and learning resources to meet the individual, diverse needs of all learners
  • Ensure effective practice in the study of technology and its infusion across the curriculum 
  • Promote and participate in local, national, and global learning communities that stimulate innovation, creativity, and digital age collaboration
While this standard is aimed at administrators, the same standards hold true for teachers.  Change is about culture as much as it is about an individual.  Culture within a school and district has an effect on the ability for its teachers and administrators to change.  A colleague of mine commented on the post, How to get from "I Can't" to "I will try" by asking me to question what is stopping someone from trying something new.  While most people may not easily admit, I think what is stopping them is fear.

We all have fears.  Some of us fear the unknown.  Others fear failure, loss, upsetting others, disappointment, and leaving their comfort zones.  With these fears comes anxiety and a lack of self confidence.  These can also cause us to avoid change like we avoid doing things that are difficult as we "procrastinate".   

What is the answer?  The answer is a challenge.  Challenge yourself to try new things without all the fears associated with it.  If you fail at it, try it again.  If you still fail at it, ask for help, or seek something else.  If you are a school administrator, embrace change, model it and support teachers who are willing to try new things without judgement. A culture needs to be in place that supports teachers and students willing to adapt what they currently do to make it better by changing.

We are a country that was built on the ability to adapt and change.  Inventions, scientific discoveries and the advancement of technology all came about because men and women had the ability and willingness to change.  They did and so can you.

Follow me @brian_seligman

1 comment:

  1. Brian, you have done a great job being brave about innovation and supporting others to do the same. Thank you for you leadership!
