Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Why I use Twitter

I recently wrote a blog post on why I blog, and you can read it here.  However, over the past few weeks, many teachers and administrators have asked me why I use Twitter.  I decided that it would make a great post, so here is my answer.

I have identified the 3 most effective uses of Twitter for me.  Actually, it is the 3 most effective uses of any technology for me, not just social media.  Those 3 uses are:

1.  To learn and be informed.
2.  To connect to other like minded educators around the world.
3.  Share my passion, my knowledge and my experiences with others.

Twitter is my daily PLN (Professional Learning Network).  It is also my Personal Learning Network, as it is specific to me and my needs.  I use Twitter on a daily basis to learn and stay current on all things "education".  I follow teachers and school/district administrators from all around the world.  I follow their posts that include best practices, resources that I can share and links to their blogs so I can stay current with what they are doing in their schools.  I also follow educational twitter accounts that showcase the use of technology such as @Edutopia and @edudemic.  In this day an age where Public Education is in the proverbial crosshairs, I follow all the unions such as UFT, NYSUT, and AFT, as well as many of their leaders.  I also follow  @BAMradio and @BadassTeachersA because I was a teacher and will always be a teacher at heart.  This helps keep me in the loop so that I can make the best possible decisions for my school district, its teachers and its students. Of course, I also follow our government, including education policy makers such as the chancellor and the Commissioner of Education, both at the state level and the federal level.  In addition, I have tailored my PLN so that I follow the leaders in educational technology both in and out of the Twitter world.  There are too many to list here, but feel free to look at who I am following on my profile @brian_seligman.  By reading what is "tweeted", I can learn something new each and everyday.  My recommendation for that is to start small and follow a few at first...then when you get more comfortable, follow more, use lists and search with hashtags.  

I also use my PLN to connect to other like minded educators around the world.  I connect to them through online twitter chats, Direct messages, and through their tweets and retweets.  Even though I have not met any of those educators that I am following and who are following me, I have made a connection.  I once thought of teaching as being on an isolated and deserted island.  However, with Twitter, it is still like an isolated island, but with electricity, wifi, a cell phone and a working computer.  Twitter allows you to ask questions to your PLN, respond to others and get feedback that will allow you to grow as a teacher and school administrator.  There are so many teachers and administrators that are going through the same thing as I am, so connecting to them on Twitter gives me the opportunity to learn, share and grow.

Twitter also gives me a platform to share with others.  It is the main reason I became a teacher.  I love to share information, knowledge, and experiences with others.  Tweeting and Blogging gives me the tools to give away and share what I hold so dear.  When I was a teacher, I would read a short letter to my students on the last day of school.  My last line was always that I was thankful for the opportunity to give them something of myself each and every day.  My hope is that through my current work (Director of Technology and CIO), my twitter account, and my blog, I can still give something that will help other teachers, administrators and of course help students.

Thanks to +Alice Keeler Here is a great resource with 15 Tips for using Twitter.

Follow me @brian_seligman

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