Thursday, January 8, 2015

Why Blog?

Why Blog?  This is a question that I have been asked numerous times over the past month as I have been inviting others to blog with me.  I have read many articles, books and other blogs on the topic and have come to the conclusion that I should be blogging...and from a previous is not because I "have to", rather it is because I "get to" share my experiences and knowledge with whomever wants to read it.

Here are the two main resources I used to "convince" others to blog with me:
I also recommend Eric Sheninger's book, "Digital Leadership".  You can follow these three leaders:  @DrSpikeCook   @E_Sheninger  @pernilleripp
So here is my take on why I blog:

I blog to share my experiences and my knowledge with others.  I don't know everything and I certainly have many more questions than answers, but I enjoy putting my thoughts on paper...or in this case, on the internet.  I also need the space to think through what it means to be a learner in this day and time.  Blogging helps me think through the questions, the thoughts, the possibilities, the ideas, and the "what ifs" without any judgements.  

Another main reason to blog is to open up doors that may not have been open before.  Blogging allows me to make connections to my PLN through twitter or through the Google + network.  While it is still early in its development (my blog), I am certain that it will pay huge dividends in the future.  Isn't this what we want in our students?  Don't we want all kids to be lifelong learners, to read each and everyday, to write down their goals, their passions, their ideas?  Don't we want to keep our eyes, ears and our minds open?  That is why i blog.
We all may not agree on why, or even how...but regardless, we should continue to do, to continue to write, read, ask questions, post comments, push each other to being better tomorrow than we are today.  This will not only selfishly benefit ourselves, more importantly, it benefits our students...and isn't that the reason we are in this business.
If one teacher is changed by even one word of my blog and goes out and changes one thing that improves the life of one student, then I am successful.

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