Friday, March 27, 2015

BYOD vision planning Part 1

In the next few weeks, fellow administrators, both at the district and building level, along with teachers will come together to begin to think about where we want to be in the next 3-5 years when it comes to technology integration and a BYOD environment.

As Peter Senge has preached in his books, lectures and keynotes, shared visions must begin with our personal beliefs.  If our shared vision statements are built from our personal beliefs, we are more likely to follow them, aspire to them, rather than just comply with the mission.

Here is a short video on his idea:

When the group of administrators and teachers begin to think what a school or classroom might look like in an ideal world in 3 years, we will pose the following questions:

  • What are your personal beliefs/vision for BYOD in your school in the next 5 years?  What do you want to see?
  • In a BYOD environment, students will be using technology to...
  • Technology can be used by students to enhance learning by…
  • What 21st century habits/skills do we want to continue to teach regardless of how technology changes in the next 5 years?  i.e. Collaboration, problem solving, etc.

How might you answer these questions?  What would you want to see if you were starting a BYOD school environment?  Please feel free to comment.  On April 7, we will hold our first meeting.  Stay tuned.  I will continue to blog following that meeting and share our story.  

Follow me @brian_seligman

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