Monday, March 16, 2015

Containing your enthusiasm...

Like any waterfall, ideas can never be contained.  However, there is always danger in letting them go too fast.  The flowing of the water has the power to break through and erode rocks, creating new pathways for the water to flow.  Ideas can do the same.  Ideas can be so powerful that they change the course of history.  They can set in motion other ideas, but they can also scare away and deter many others.  There must be a balance between letting ideas through and holding them back.

In education, we are at a crossroads when it comes to integrating technology.  How much do we push new ideas through and how much should we hold them back and let them out slowly is a very touch question, for which I do not have an answer.  However, here are my quick suggestions/thoughts on the matter.

1.  Keep an open mind to all possibilities.
2.  Discuss ideas with colleagues.
3.  Think through the long term with respect to the most important "what if" scenarios.
4.  Don't give up, especially when there are roadblocks that look like they are preventing you from moving forward.

Having ideas and dreams are great, but they can often get squashed by logistics, technicalities, or leaders with short sightedness.  Don't let your ideas get squashed.  As Langston Hughes poetically wrote in 1951, "What happens to a dream deferred?  Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?  Or does it explode?"  Don't let your ideas or your dreams of a better tomorrow explode because they weren't acted on.

Follow me @brian_seligman

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