Monday, December 15, 2014

What is EduCreaTechnics? I decided to blog...My reason for blogging is simple.  As George Couros wrote, "Just remember, if you impact only one teacher, you often impact at least 20 kids, if not a whole lot more."  So here goes something.

When I decided to begin a blog...after reading George Couros' post on "4 Reasons People Don’t Blog and Ideas to Help Change Their Mind"... I decided to put my mind to the test.  What will I blog about?  The answer came pretty quick.  I would blog about what I know best, "technology".  Since there is a lot out there already, I wasn't sure how much I can offer the public on technology.  I needed another angle.  After reading much of what Sir Ken Robinson has written and spoke about, I decided to add creativity to the blog.

So, EduCreaTechnics is my made up word using Wordoid Go ahead and Google won't find anything.  Hah!  So, since I created the word, I can make up its meaning.  I define EduCreaTechnics as the invaluable and successful use of creativity and technology in the educational space.  Or in other words, how we can successfully and creatively utilize technology in the delivery of instruction or in our learning environments to best prepare our students for the world? 

Having the tools in place does not guarantee a viable use of technology.  Just because we place iPads in classes or make sure that all classrooms have SmartBoards, doens't mean our teachers will automatically be creative and innovative.  We need to do more.  Our kids rely on more!

In the last month, my district has added iPads to Kindergarten and Grade 1 classrooms.  I am trying to give them the time and space to learn to use them on their own and begin to know what is possible.  Then we will get together and see how we can creatively incorporate them into instruction through some form of professional development.  At least, that is the plan.

I have started a hashtag (#K2iPadapps) to help guide them towards what may work if anyone finds anything, feel free to add the hashtag.

With every blog post, I will end with a few questions...things that I am wondering at the moment...ending my stream of consciousness with some thoughtful questions that may lead to my next post.  At least that is the hope!

I wonder...
  • What is the tipping point where teachers see the value in learning to be innovative and take risks?
  • When is it ok to push teachers to take chances and risks when using new technology?
  • Why do so many teachers need step by step directions to be innovative?  Is this happening everywhere, or am I looking in the wrong place?  Am I seeing it wrong?
  • What conditions am I creating that is stifling creativity in our teachers and administrators?
  • Am I ready for the criticism associated with these questions...will I even provoke discussion around my thoughts?
My next Blog Post...How we can create the right environment for teachers conducive to the innovative and creative use of technology?


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