Monday, December 29, 2014

How to renew passion and energy.

Several of my first blog posts have been based on the article, "13 Personality Traits That Can Keep You From Success".  However, there is one trait that we all posses that, if not addressed, can keep us from success.  That trait is not being able to disconnect.  

As an educator for the past 20 years, I live, breathe and sleep all things school related.  Not a moment can go by that I can stop thinking, dreaming, worrying, or planning about my educational life.  When I was a teacher, I would plan my lessons in my mind at all hours, including in my sleep where I would wake up and write lesson plan ideas on a napkin beside my bed (like Seinfeld) and wake up in the morning trying to decipher what I wrote down.  I would think about nothing else except how I could do a better job in preparing for my moments with my students, for it was everything to me.  

As I grew professionally, my job responsibilities changed from the classroom level to the school level as a Science Department Chair and then an Assistant Principal to the district level as a CIO and Director of Technology.  While my responsibilities on a day to day basis changed, my goals were still the everything in my power and influence to insure the best education possible for all students in my class, school and district.  This occupied a lot of my mental energy and time.  Even at home with my own family, everything became a lesson, a learning experience.  This was not a bad thing, at least I don't think it was.  Even as I sit here today, December 29, 2014 in my 6th day of what is supposed to be a vacation, I am here writing this blog.  

So here is the point of this post.  I need to least for a brief moment in time to recalibrate, refresh and start with renewed passion and energy, not because I am burnt out (which I am not) but because it will make me more focused and thus, more successful.  I have one more week of vacation and while I brought home 3 books to read on leadership, I will disconnect for a few days and recharge my batteries.

Here is what I will do, or not do:  (only after I finish this post and share it on Twitter)
1.  I will meditate to try and clear my mind to get a restful night sleep.
2.  I will not check e-mail or Twitter from now until January 3.
3.  I will read a book for pleasure...not a book on Leadership.
4.  I will enjoy nature...maybe take a long walk or hike with the family.
5.  I will spend time with my children doing something that they want to do, even if it is silly and has no educational value whatsoever.
6.  On New Year's Eve, I will make a list of all the things that I am thankful for and share it with my family...I will try and keep it personal instead of professional, although I am very thankful for the work that I am able to do.  (A post of the difference between things you "have to do" and things you "get to do" will come in January.)
7.  I will spend some time relaxing, although I need to learn how to do that.

Thank you to anyone who has spent the time to read any of my posts.  I hope that they got you thinking, because writing them sure got my mind working.  Happy New Year! 

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