Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Dreamer...how to avoid the dreamer stage and put things into action

The dreamer has lots of big ideas. But every dream needs direction and a system of execution for success.

Here are the 7 Habits of successful innovators:
1. Constantly connect the dots.
2. Commit to asking questions.
3. Actively try new things.
4. Find points of intersection with others.
5. Have a sense of purpose.
6. Cross-pollinate ideas.
7. Make innovation a daily routine.

I want to focus this post on numbers 1, 3, and 5.  While the others are important, I will not focus on them here...maybe in another post.  Connecting the dots is vital to the success of any initiative or "dream".  The idea needs to connect to the broader vision or purpose.  We do not work alone, as we hear all the time, we cannot stay in our silos.  In education, there are many points of connection...parents, community members, state mandates, laws and regulations, students, teachers, money, etc.  Dreaming is important, but it will be nothing more than a dream if not acted on.  Connecting the dots can act to resonate the idea and push it along.  Imagine a swing for a moment.  When you swing your legs on the downswing (its resonant frequency), it acts to increase the height of the swing, but if you swing on the upswing, it acts to impede the height of the swing.  Connecting the dots in your organization acts in the same way.  You can build momentum and your idea can resonate, but only when action is taken at the right moment.

Trying new things is also an essential element to innovation and converting your dreams to your reality.  How else will you be able to dream if you don't have alternative solutions? There is risk in trying new things.  I get it.  It is difficult, but very necessary.  It also may mean making mistakes.  If everything you ever tried always worked out, then you are either the luckiest person in the world, or you are sleeping and still dreaming.

Connecting the dots starts with item #5:  Have a sense of purpose.  It is the foundation of all my other posts...to avoid the pessimist, to not be the loafer, to not being distracted or not being the procrastinator.  Purpose can be defined in many different ways.  A sense of purpose can be assigned to your life, or as simple as a moment in time.  For this purpose, the purpose I am speaking of is your overarching reason to do whatever it is that you are doing.  For me in education, the purpose for every action is to ensure the best possible education for all students.  I start with that purpose each and every day.  Even as I write this blog, my purpose is to share my experience and knowledge with any teacher or administrator in the field so that they can be better tomorrow than they were today.  It also helps me!

Don't just dream...put your dreams into action!

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