Friday, March 20, 2015

My Top 5 Recent Posts

I began blogging at the end of 2014, a little over 3 months ago.  I started this blog to push my thinking, share my experiences and open a dialogue with whomever wanted to talk about education, creativity and technology.  The best advice I received when starting the blog was to blog for me.  So I did.  However, my "blog for me", as a selfish action on paper was only a  misrepresented selfless act.  While I said I was blogging for me, each of my posts had an audience in mind...of which, I was only a small part of.  The audiences I spoke to included my administrator colleagues, the many teachers I am lucky to work with and my Twitter PLN.  Was it really for me?  Maybe, but that could be the subject of a future post.

Here are my top 5 most read Blog Posts:

1.  Stimulating Creativity 

2.  Google Classroom Part 1 

3.  Containing your enthusiasm...

4.  Are you "the one"?

5.  How to get from "I Can't" to "I will try"

Follow me @brian_seligman

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